Here we are only a few days left until Christmas. Where has this year gone? I find that the older I get the faster the years go. We have already received all our Christmas gifts this year. We bought ourselves a new sofa and chair for the living room. The old one was 10 years old and had seen its better days. Then with some of the profits from my sales we bought a Wii. We haven't really got into playing it yet as we are having trouble getting the handheld to stay on the screen. And we do want to buy more than one game. Then our kids went together and bought us a new 32" HDTV for the bedroom with a built in DVD player. This is wonderful because working with all the surround sound system in the living room with the big screen is a pain. Plus we can lay in bed and watch whatever we want.
As for my season with craft shows and website sales, I have done pretty good. I only do a couple of shows and the website is only a year old so for me, what I did was great. The money helped us but new roofing on the house and added more cement to our patio area in the front of the house. This next year we need to get more landscraping so that will be our goal with sales profits.
This picture is of the mink bear that I made and I used it on our Christmas cards this year. Enjoy and have a wonderful Christmas season.
If you would like I have reduced some of the pricing on my website. I did this so that more people could afford my work in this hard economy times. I hope you will take a look.