It has been a while since I have posted anything on here. I was very busy with shows from October until right up to Christmas. It was a mixed bag with shows this year. Most were very good but some it was a bummer and these will not be on my list next year. Also next year there will be fewer shows as I just can't work that hard any more. Then on top of the shows, were the custom orders. I usually don't take custom orders so late but business is business and I got them all done and shipped so they were received before Christmas.
I also had a shipment that ended up who knows where and had to make another shipment. Good thing it was microwave potato pouches because I always have extra of these. Oh, I did run out of them at my big November show but got enough made for the next couple of shows.
It is time for me to clean house from the older stock I have, so this week all the old stock will go on Clearance on my website. I hope you will take a look as most of it will be priced below what the supplies cost me. I just want to get it off my shelves and on to a new home.
I have made a couple of new items, a bear named Cali and a dog named Sadie. Both are new designs for me.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that this new year and decade will bring whatever you dream of.