Busy, busy, busy as a bee. Get some dolls, clean them up and make clothes and then take some pictures and get them on the internet so that I can sell them and this enables me to buy more and the process starts all over.
I do so enjoy what I am doing. Any way that is my excuse for not updating my blog like I should. I even haven't even updated my website..bad move. I have been selling more on ebay so that has been where I have been putting my dolls.
Do you have a doll that needs a makeover? One that looks like the monster of the blue lagoon? Wild hair and dirty? They are fairly easy to make them look new again. Also if you sew, a new outfit always makes the doll look great.
Don't sew or want to take the time to clean them up? Email me and I should be able to help you. I only do vinyl or plastic dolls and they can't have any cracks in them or missing body parts. I don't have spare parts and cracks are hard to repair and look good. Most spots from ink, lipstick, nail polish will come off a doll. If not they do lighten enough not to be a bother.
If you want to try and clean the dolls up yourself, just email me and I will walk you through the process. No charge. I just want to help where I can. I may not be able to answer all your questions, but I will share any information that I have.
I will try to come and write more often and share with you some of the dolls that I have been working on. I just upgraded my computer so that is one reason I haven't been on here as the computer was gone into the shop for several days.
Have a good night or day, whichever it is for you. Write me if you need any help.