Monday, May 7, 2012

Coats and More coats

I think I may have skipped right over April.  I have been very busy with making doll clothes for my regular customers and now that is done for a couple of weeks, I can breathe for a while so I started something new.

I have designed coats for dolls.  These are for 18 inch through 27 inch dolls.  I have a lot of faux furs left over from my bear making days so I thought how can I use some of it up and so it is being made into coats for dolls. So here are the 3 coats I have made so far.


So seeing that these were fairly easy to make and I did line them all just like a regular coat, I thought how about some fleece jackets.  Here are the fleece jackets then.

I ran out of fleece so then what was left to make coats out of.....cloth of course.  This past week then I made 2 heavy linen coats. 

Do you think I will stop at these coats?  I don't think so although today I did go back and make an outfit for one of the tote full of dolls that need clothes. 

You will have to check back because I ordered so rabbit like faux fur which should be here tomorrow.  I want to see what I can do with that.  I know I should not order fur but my husband says, do it because these should look great.  I just hope with all these different coats, that they will start to sell.  Only time will tell I guess.

Have a great day!

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