This week is American Craft Week and I hope everyone is thinking about what they will be buying this year for the holidays and think about buying handcrafted items to give. The local crafter who works so hard to produce their product and never gets paid for all the love and hours they put into the product and then pay to show it at the local craft show really do need your business.
Go to
and pledge to buy handmade this year. We all need to help our fellow crafters.
There is a press release that the Handmade Toy Alliance put out too.
I am a crafter and have been for most of my life. My grandmother, who raised me, taught me to crochet, knit and sew and for that I am very grateful. Today, I don't see enough of the younger people learning to do these things. Even all the craft shows I do, I very seldom see a person under 40 who is a vendor. This is sad. Crafting should not be a dying art. We are true artists, each in our own venue. I know I wouldn't know what to do with all my time and it sure releaves the stress of every day living.
On another note, I am doing a craft show this weekend. Maybe that isn't another note because it is to sell all my products that I have worked so hard on all year. My original designed teddy bears and soft dolls. Then with the new recycled and vintage dolls that I have been having so much fun working on the last couple of months. Now I get to let others enjoy what I make.
The show is at the EdgeWater Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, Nevada on Saturday and Sunday November 9 and 10 so if anyone is in the area, please stop by and see what I have. Everyone I make is child safe and oh so cute, if I do say so myself.
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